Saturday, September 29, 2012

How To Write A Comparative Essay

In order to write a comparative essay, you have to first understand what a comparative essay is. Simply put, a comparative essay allows you to make a comparison between two separate objects or ideas. For example, the topic for the essay may be something like, "Make a comparison between event A and event B."

So when faced with the challenge of writing comparative essays. How should one go about tackling the topic at hand? Below are some tips on how to write a comparative essay.

Understand the objects well.

By objects, we mean the objects that are being compared in the essay. Objects can be tangible objects such as people and places or intangible items such as events or ideas. For convenience, we shall refer all of them as objects here.

In order to make a healthy comparison for the objects at hand, a good understanding of the objects is needed. You cannot make a comparison between a fruit and an orange if you know nothing about these fruits. Similarly, when exploring ideas, it is vital that the writer knows these ideas well. Getting the facts right is very important here.

Discussing both similarities and differences.

A comparative essay requires a writer to write about both the similarities and differences. Do not confuse this with a contrasting essay. A contrasting essay requires you to state the differences only, while a comparative essay requires you to state both similarities and differences.

Organize the similarities and differences into two different sections in your essay. Discuss one first, then the other. For instance, when writing about similarities, list down each and every similarity that you wish to discuss. Focus on the more important ones. If you have time, you can always include more items later on.

It is always a good idea to draw attention to key similarities and differences whenever possible. In other words, try to spend more time developing these key items. Like every good essay, a comparative essay also should have important ideas, and less important ideas. A good writer will downplay the less important ones, and give more room for key ideas to develop.

A comparative essay allows others to easily assess a student's writing abilities. If you notice, you will be required to apply organizational skills, thinking skills, and writing skills when writing comparative essays. For this reason, may students encounter difficulties for this type of essay.

The key here is to remember that you job is already half completed when you know your objects well. Spend more time conducting research if you find that you do not have enough materials to write a good comparative essay.

In sum, good research, strong organizational skills and original ideas make a great comparative essay. A student will likely be stretched when faced with such assignments. Now you know how to handle them.

Essay Writing

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