Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Overcome Writers Block With Hypnosis

I received an e-mail yesterday asking how I came by my "rampant creativity" and whether or not I produced a hypnosis download on this subject. I have never felt that my writing is particularly creative; rather I have what I think of as a "no-nonsense" style of writing. I just write about what I'm thinking; that's it really.

They say that there is a book in all of us, and I'm sure that there is. You just have to believe in yourself and commit to sitting down and allowing your words to flow. Everyone has their own approach to writing. Mine is probably a little unusual as I never have a plan with anything that I write. I just write the first sentence and if goes wherever it goes, if you see what I mean.

I remember when I was taking exams for my degree that you were advised that the examiner would mark you upon both your essay plan and your essay. I just couldn't do it. So, all I ended up doing was leaving a blank page before each essay and then going back and making a plan afterwards, just so I didn't miss out on those marks.

Whenever I try to plan an essay, blog or article my logical plan gets in the way of my creativity; the words simply will not flow. The result is stilted and forced and, to be truthful, not worth reading. I am sure this is what happens when one gets writer's block. Your logical mind is getting in your way. The problem with writers block is that as you become frustrated by your lack of words your creativity is further impeded; then you try to apply greater logical effort which once again blocks your creativity and a snow-ball effect ensues.

The way in which to overcome writer's block is to stop what you are doing and relax. Your creative mind will not work when you are tense or frustrated or when you are trying too hard. Your creative mind also needs fuel. You need to look around you with new eyes; you need to be "in the now" and apply full attention and awareness to what is going on around you. As you become absorbed in really LIVING your life you are constantly stimulating your mind. If you live your life in a constant circle of thoughts, you block out your perception of "now".

As you relax at night and drift off to sleep you will probably be aware that your dreams are incredibly vivid and creative. Your creative mind, your subconscious mind, comes to the fore as you relax. Hypnosis is the state between wake and sleep. Just by learning to use hypnosis you will learn to relax your mind and access the full power of your own creativity.

You can learn to use hypnosis with the help of a hypnosis download. It's easy, natural, quick and totally safe. In this way you can easily overcome writer's block; just learn how to relax with hypnosis and spend more time living "in the now". You will be happier and words will flow freely too. When you love life, everything becomes easier, writing included.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis for success, good health and well-being.

Essay Writing

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