Friday, December 28, 2012

Let Sample College Application Essays Help You Decide What To ...

One of the difficult parts in writing a college admission essay is deciding on a good topic to write about. As these essays can make or break your college application, the pressure builds up that you might turn into a panicked wreck. But deciding what to discuss won’t be so difficult if you keep in mind what the college admission officials are looking for. They are not looking for a Pulitzer Prize winning essay, though it would be good if you could come up with one. What they’re looking for is your unique, personalized, and organized expression in your essay. There are sample college application essays that can give you good ideas, but don’t forget that it would still boil down to your viewpoint and opinion on what a good topic would be.

How to discuss a topic

There are colleges that make things easier for you. They send you specific topics to write about and also a section to write about yourself and the reasons for your college application. It’s made easier since you have topics to write about, but that is not the end of that. How you write about these topics will be the deciding factor for your essay. You can use sample college application essays to see how some topics can be approached and answered. From them, you can also get some tips on idea presentation and organization. Always remember that it’s you who is making the application, so it should be you who should appear on the essay. What that means is that your essay should contain what you actually think and believe in. It’s fine to show off your knowledge, but you should also show how that knowledge affects your beliefs and daily life. You’re not simply asked to list down what you know, you’re also asked of your honest and informed opinion on a certain topic. What they want to see is your personality, critical thinking, and your writing and organizational skills.

For open-ended topics, deciding on what to write about would be more difficult. The suggestion is to write something that is close to your heart. Write something that you’re passionate about. By doing so, your real personality would show in your essay, and your tone would be more confident and convincing. But don’t forget to relate this passion to your application and the course you’re planning to take. Your admission essay is not just a writing exam; it’s also meant to gauge how well you fit into the college and the course program. If you can find ways to connect your passion to the course you’re applying for, that shows admission officials that you can easily use that passion to your studies. You can find several sample college application essays online that shows how that can be done.

Whatever topic you may end up writing, never forget to show the real you, your critical thinking, and writing skills. Once you achieved that in your essay, you have a pretty good chance that you’ll make it to your chosen course or university.

Essay Writing

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