Monday, December 24, 2012

Writing The College Admission Essay

The college admission essay gives the student an opportunity to introduce him or herself to an admissions committee. It is a good method for any student to present a personal statement, as the essay is sometimes called, on aspects not easily derived from grades or lists of accomplishments. Each college may give a variation of topics for applicants to choose from; which may require awareness of current events, possibly political or religious in nature. Local or international issues may be raised and a student's opinions on such matters asked. Other topics may be of a more personal nature; a student may have the option to discuss a particular achievement, future plans, influences, or something as simple as a favorite literary work or musical piece. Essays may also be as straightforward as only having to describe oneself or be as random as conveying how you feel about a certain day of the week.

What most students aiming for acceptance into their ideal colleges are concerned about is how to come up with an effective admission essay that will contribute to a more convincing application. While it does not necessarily outweigh previous academic performance, an exceptional statement may allow a certain applicant to gain more attention as compared to others. Following are some points to consider when accomplishing a college admission essay:

1. It is best to carefully go over all options for essay topics and select what will be the most comfortable choice. A student must be able to answer a question with utmost confidence and knowledge in order to present his or her idea with precision and clarity.

2. Any essay must begin as a draft, revised, and proofread. It is important that there are no grammatical or typographical errors within the final copy. These simple tasks may reflect on how diligent a student is in fulfilling any work. Needless to say, a well-written essay should get an applicant's message across clearly.

3. Originality is a requirement and submitting plagiarized essays will definitely ruin any student's chances of being granted acceptance. Most students are under the impression that an essay has to be profound and written with lofty words to have any impact. Although a flair for writing may help, it is in being written in an honest and direct tone that most successful essays have been noted for.

4. A prescribed limit to the number of words for the essay has to be observed. An essay's length does not immediately mean that it is effective nor impressive. Considering the large number of applications that an admissions committee goes over, it may be a better option to write an essay that is persuasive yet concise.

5. Essentially, an admission essay has to stand out among many, possibly thousands, of other essays. Consulting published essays that are widely available online should only help generate ideas and not influence a student's tone of writing. The goal in composition is to be noticed and identified as unique from all other applicants.

6. In answering admission essay questions, focus should not be directed only as to whether the answers are merely right or wrong; rather, the emphasis should be placed on how to personalize ideas and present them with as much detail as possible. Presenting the big picture may not be as effective as compared to writing from one's own and distinct perspective.

Essay Writing

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