Though nowadays it is possible to find any custom essays or services of custom writings, there are still a lot of people who are eager to learn the art of writing essays. Is it possible to teach somebody to write a creative essay? May be it is. Here we are going to tell you how!
You'll need for this task books or copies of different ready essays. Also take magazines for students or notebooks, pens and pencils.
And now learn the scheme:
Stage 1
If you want to teach somebody to write different things – your task is to make the process of writing interesting. Creative writing is another point! One of the secrets is to have as many examples as possible and to read a great number of various essays and written literature forms. At first, try writing without any plans, so that you will be used to putting your ideas into the written form. Try to find funny topics and interesting questions: "What would I do if I were an apple?" or something like "Try to tell about your steps of development as a personality?"
Stage 2
Break down the mystery of an essay. The problem is that very often people imagine essays just in form of boring, serious writings on scientific or educational topics. As the result, they have no desire to do such things or to learn how to do them. In this case your task is to show them their mistake – show that essay topics can be various, and the style can be not so strict. Let them write on any topics they want. Teach people creativity; show them how to use imagination. Some people cannot write well because they cannot cross the limits of the essay's rigid structure. Explain that it is possible to write in a creative way, forgetting some unnecessary limitations.
Stage 3
Many creative essays are often written in the 1st person: under these essays we mean various unusual biographies and auto-biographies. Give your "pupils" some examples of such essays. Let them study these writings and then ask them different questions related to the essays: what things or sentences were the most interesting for them, what images seemed evocative and memorable. We recommend you to start with emotional and intuitive variants of writing and only then try to embody some rules and structural tips; show them some terms. When the people will get used to the 1st person style, it will be much easier to write from the 3d person.
Stage 4
Teach to experiment not only with the form of an essay, but also with its look on the page. Some people are quite sure that each line must be a full sentence. It is not right! Sentences are not to have a strict order. Firstly, the results will not be the best; still the thing is that it is more difficult to cope with "free style" than with sharp limits and rules. Essay is not a poem, but at the same time it has its own structure. Moreover, there are many tricks in literature and in writing which will help to catch the attention of the readers and to make your essay interesting. Grammar, stylistic and punctuation norms are also of great importance.
Essay Writing
You'll need for this task books or copies of different ready essays. Also take magazines for students or notebooks, pens and pencils.
And now learn the scheme:
Stage 1
If you want to teach somebody to write different things – your task is to make the process of writing interesting. Creative writing is another point! One of the secrets is to have as many examples as possible and to read a great number of various essays and written literature forms. At first, try writing without any plans, so that you will be used to putting your ideas into the written form. Try to find funny topics and interesting questions: "What would I do if I were an apple?" or something like "Try to tell about your steps of development as a personality?"
Stage 2
Break down the mystery of an essay. The problem is that very often people imagine essays just in form of boring, serious writings on scientific or educational topics. As the result, they have no desire to do such things or to learn how to do them. In this case your task is to show them their mistake – show that essay topics can be various, and the style can be not so strict. Let them write on any topics they want. Teach people creativity; show them how to use imagination. Some people cannot write well because they cannot cross the limits of the essay's rigid structure. Explain that it is possible to write in a creative way, forgetting some unnecessary limitations.
Stage 3
Many creative essays are often written in the 1st person: under these essays we mean various unusual biographies and auto-biographies. Give your "pupils" some examples of such essays. Let them study these writings and then ask them different questions related to the essays: what things or sentences were the most interesting for them, what images seemed evocative and memorable. We recommend you to start with emotional and intuitive variants of writing and only then try to embody some rules and structural tips; show them some terms. When the people will get used to the 1st person style, it will be much easier to write from the 3d person.
Stage 4
Teach to experiment not only with the form of an essay, but also with its look on the page. Some people are quite sure that each line must be a full sentence. It is not right! Sentences are not to have a strict order. Firstly, the results will not be the best; still the thing is that it is more difficult to cope with "free style" than with sharp limits and rules. Essay is not a poem, but at the same time it has its own structure. Moreover, there are many tricks in literature and in writing which will help to catch the attention of the readers and to make your essay interesting. Grammar, stylistic and punctuation norms are also of great importance.
Essay Writing
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